• 信息公开

School of Humanities, Information Technology and Management

Schoolof Humanities, Information Technology and Management was founded in 1958 and named as SHITM in 2005. The school consists of four departments, including the Department of Computer, the Department of Foreign language, the Department of Management and the Department of Applied Psychology.

Now SHITM has about 90 faculty members, out of which 20 are associate professors or professors, 42 master’s degree holders. The school shoulders teaching tasks of the public compulsory courses and major courses of the whole university.

The School has made great advance in the reform of curriculum design and teaching method in recent years. It collects a number of excellent teachers, and also cultivates thousands of high-quality academic professionals for the society. All the teachers cherish their posts, devote wholeheartedly to work and have received high praise from students. Meanwhile, all the staff apply themselves to teaching research activities, which makes teaching and learning complement with each other.

上一条:School of the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

下一条:School of Pharmaceutical Science

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